Friday, June 5, 2009

Halloween Snacks

by: Rachael Willerton

Instead of the usual sandwiches, at Halloween why not surprise the kids with these spooky snacks!

Pumpkin crackers

A round cracker with a slice of red cheese cut into circle on top. Decorate to look like a pumpkin with either soft cheese piped or a white cheese cut into shapes.

Skull sandwiches

Cut two slices of bread into skull shapes. Cut eye and mouth shapes into the top slice. Spread with butter. Spread the bottom slice thickly with jam and place the top slice on letting the jam ooze through the gaps.

Devil egg eyes

Slice a hard boiled egg in two. Scoop out the yolk and in a separate bowl mix in some mayonnaise. Spoon egg mixture back into boiled egg. To make the eye look bloodshot use tomato ketchup.

Ice scream eyes

Scope of raspberry ripple ice cream with a cherry on top. Add strawberry sauce for more blood.

Bat wings

Arrange chicken wings on a plate to look like bats.

Dried scabs

Simply a bowl of dried fruit. Red berries and raisins look good.

Blood and guts

Make up a red jelly and allow to set. Chop up jelly and add red fruits for a gory look.


Slices of peeled apple with a strawberry (blood) sauce.

Witches fingers

Simply cocktail sausages with red or green peppers. Cut a small (1cm) slice out of the top of the sausage to form a shelf for the finger nail to rest. Cut the pepper into finger nail shapes and add a bit of soft cheese on the back to stick it onto the sausage.

Witch heads

Cover a fairy cake with green butter icing (or add green food colouring to cake mixture – a lot less messy and time consuming). Cover an ice cream cone in melted chocolate and allow to set. Add a little spare butter icing to the base of the cone to stick it to a chocolate digestive to form a hat. Cut up some liquorice laces and add to the top of the fairy cake to form hair. Place the hat on top. Use dolly mixtures for eyes and pipe black icing to form the rest of the face.


Any red fruit juice or squash.


Chocolate milkshake, mixed with ice cream and crushed chocolate flakes.

Lastly why not serve up crisps in a bowl with plastic skeleton or bats for decoration.

For other recipes and activities for the kids go to

Scary Halloween Masks- This Halloween Makeup Idea is A Recipe for Horror

by: Robert Closs

What Lies in Granny’s “Crypt”-ic Cupboard?

Searching for a scary Halloween mask? This Halloween makeup idea is not for the faint-hearted! This gruesome brew is for those who love the horror of HELL-oween. If you are nifty enough, Granny’s goodies could turn you into this!

The base of this Halloween makeup design is plain gelatin and strawberry jam. Remember, although this recipe sounds ghoulishly delicious, it’s not to be eaten!

Follow directions on the gelatin box, adding the proper ratio of boiling water to plain gelatin. To this, add about 1/3 ratio of glycerine to your mixture. (Glycerine is available in most pharmacies.) The glycerine will prevent the gelatin from cracking and give you ghoulish lasting power. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil and simmer for five minutes. When it starts to cool, skim off the milky froth that floats to the top. Clear gelatin is all that should remain.

Pour part of the gelatin mixture into a cup that you will work from. You can reheat the remaining mixture on the stove or just microwave the cup you are working with, as the mixture will cool and become difficult to work with.

Take your artist’s spatula and put a small amount of gelatin on the back of your wrist to test the temperature. The mixture should be warm and fluid, but not uncomfortably hot to the skin. Now apply the gelatin to the face as if you were icing a cake.

Purposely do some sections of your subject’s face thicker than others to develop different textures and levels. The gelatin will want to drip sometimes, so catch these drips with the tip of your spatula and change their direction so they don’t set. Do one layer, let it dry and proceed with the next layer. As each layer gets tacky, use the tip of the spatula to create nooks and crevices. After 3 to 5 layers have been completed, you can create small holes to look like open, rotting wounds! (For those of you that are completely grossed by this Halloween mask, stick to lip gloss!)

Take the tip of your artist’s spatula and carefully dig a little hole through the layers until you arrive at the skin. You must be careful not to scratch the skin for obvious reasons – it hurts. A pair of cuticle scissors will help snip away small parts of gelatin to create large craters. Now fill the small holes and craters with strawberry jam (no tasting) and let the jam bleed slightly out of the wound…..Yum!

Ghouls in training may take this scary Halloween mask a step further by darkening the eyes with red, purple and black eye shadows. A grey and blue eye pencil will give a gorgeously ghastly color to the mouth. And remember, no nibbling on the jam, just on your victims!